What to do When Your Neighbor is Ruining Your Siding?

I recently did an inspection on a Boise Idaho home. The siding was warped and bowing, moisture was 100% and some damage and rotting noted.

The source of the water was unknown. Sprinklers were present but seem to be functioning properly. To top it off there was a little mold noted just inside the attic gable vent noted just above this area. The roof was in good shape and no signs of leaks.

After some perplexing and almost giving up as to the source of the water, I noticed the neighbor did not have sprinklers in there yard yet, up against their house was a single powered jet sprinler attached to a garden hose. Then it hit me, in order for the neighbor to water their whole front yard the water would have to be hitting my clients potential home which was causing the damage. It likely has been so much that the spray or mist went up into the attic and caused the mold. The homes are very close together, with no fence to divide or breakup the watering.

So I ask You..... what do you do when you are buying a home and your new neighbor is ruining your siding??

Submitted by DavinStrand on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 01:37.


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